Sunday, November 07, 2004

A New Adventure

Well I got the offer from The Reynolds Company, accepted it (after negotiating it a bit w.r.t. the car allowance), and I start tomorrow. I can't describe how weird this is. Not necessarily bad weird, just weird.

Five months ago we were plugging along in DFW, allbeit slow, getting the Centex office up and running. I was in it for the long haul. Well, at least for the next three years because that was the lease we signed on the commercial bldg.


As I reflect on things before starting this new job, I marvel at how much life can change so quickly and how precious life is. I'm not sad though. I mean, I still have my moments but right now I'm feeling so content with life. I have everything I need. I'm learning to tie my inner joy to my walk with Christ. When Reynolds didn't call me when they said they would, and I thought they would fizzle out like those other two "sure thing" jobs did, I decided to react a different way.

I felt myself starting to get depressed (which has been easy for me lately), but then I changed my attitude. I told myself that I had a savior in my heart and enough money in my pocket for a cheeseburger so I'm ALLRIGHT. Amazingly, it worked. I felt what the bible calls "The peace from God that trancends all human understanding". This story doesn't have a whole lot of power though because I got the offer like an hour later. But that's beside the point. I think being a Christian is about the freedom to make choices like this, rather than having your world decide how you will react for you.

Granted, I still could have very easily gone the other way and it wouldn't have meant that I am less of a Christian. I just think that before I became a Christian, I didn't have a choice. Maybe I could have managed my state to a more positive one, but it still would have been tied to something in this world that serves me, like my ability to get another job.

You all know there is a God. That we are precious in His sight, and He loves us will never cease to amaze me.

You know, I saw a movie last week with Susan called "What the Bleep Do We Know?", which uses Quantum Physics and other nerdy science topics like Super String Theory (blah blah blah) to point out that the only rational explanation for why anything exists is that a higher power outside the constraints of our dimension designed it. They go on to point out that we must be spiritually tied to it somehow simply because we are self-aware. The film was a weird blend of science and philosophy that had a great and poetic way of pointing out the significance of the otherwise mundane details of life. How we are always effecting ourselves, others, and our environment simply by being in it. It was a cool flick, until they started to devolve into pantheistic rants about us all being dormant gods and that everything that is alive is god. One of the scientist at the end is even praying to his spiritual self, which is just completely silly.

Anyway, my point is that I agree with one of the earlier ideas (that I got out of it anyway) about the fact that nothing is insignificant. We are all beautiful and life is an adventure. We've all been rocked with a terrible tragedy, but the sun has come up again. I hope you all are getting through this successfully. It's still hard for me at times. I know it must be for you all too.

I love you guys.

I'll let y'all know how my first week goes at the Reynolds Co. (no, not the aluminum foil people...GAWWWSH!) That reminds me, Rob and Mike, you need to go see Napoleon Dynamite. It's a dumb movie, but James and I quote it often.


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