Friday, August 27, 2004

To catch a doper, you must think like a doper. And to think like a doper, you have to become a doper

So you pulled the trigger on that beach house, huh? Cool. I look forward to the pictures. Not that this gets you off my shit list, mind you. Oh no Rob, my foot and your ass now have an appointment. Seriously, kudos on the beachhouse.

Mark, hope you and Nat enjoy Mexico. Erica and I went to Nuevo Laredo earlier this summer and found it to be a complete shithole. But it's "real Mexico" if you know what I mean. The kind of place that serves only to provide cheap beer to Texan jueros like me and ditch diggers for our dad. Playa Del Carmen is a lot more touristy, though, so you'll enjoy it. As for posting hyperlinks, I don't know but I'll bet the Blogger help menu would show you how.

Mikey, think you'll be able to make it to Megan's party?

God, but I'm under some stress at work now. The only good thing about it is that it's fueling my workouts so I've been hitting the iron like a maniac lately. But back to work, I'm actually having to look for an apartment in Mobile now because (a) I am sicker than hell of hotels and (b) my expenses are higher than shit. Like $4,000 per month high. An apartment, even a nice one, would be a hell of a lot cheaper. I've got to do that then rent some furniture to put in it in the next week. Fun fun fun.

Sorry about the sour mood but hey, we can't be Mr. Fucking Sunshine all the time, can we?

And brownie points to whichever one of you drooling cretins can identify the quote in the title.


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