Tuesday, November 09, 2004

And so they dove

. . . and the enemy was foiled again!

"Looks like we foiled them again" said Dave.

"Yeah, we foiled them again."

Very good, Rob, very good. You throw out the obligatory Throw Momma quote out there only to disguise the real quote which was your oblique reference to A Fish Called Wanda. Probably thought you could fool me too, didn't you? Well asswipe, I have news for you:

You fool! You fell for the second classic blunder! The first is to never get involved in a land war in Asia, but the second is never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line! A-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Seriously, if you're going to compare yourself to Otto, you should at least learn how to spell Nietzsche.


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