Saturday, July 30, 2005

I've Been 30 Since I was 25!

It's interesting to hear you older brothers talk about this. The common thread is that things tend to get a little easier in your 30's. James said "I feel I'm on the cusp of something larger and I can't wait to get on with it," Rob said "I really hit my stride". I feel like it's going to be the same way for me. That's a nice feeling. Now if I can just get off the smack...

We rented "The Machinist" last night. I've been wanting to see that for a while. It was spooky but it had my attention the whole time. I had no idea how it was going to end because it had an unpredictable sense of entropy about it. I mean, after a while you could tell he was going insane but you never know why or what is going to happen to him as his insanity worsens. That is until the end. I agree with you James, cool flick.

We've been having a lazy Saturday around here. We went to the mall to have a family picture made (I'll post it when we get them). Lillian was only good for one picture, then the train derailed! What is it about babies not wanting to have their pictures taken professionally? Anyway, we bought a lawnmower today too because the old used one we have is dead. Now I just need to go ask that young asian boy down the street: "How'd you like to mow my lawn, HUH HMM HUH!?"


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