Thursday, September 08, 2005

What the hell is up with A&M?

Since I was so overwhelmed by A&M’s heroic CHOKE against Clemson this past weekend, I went and rented ”Junction Boys” which had Tom Berenger playing Bear Bryant. Pretty cool movie. These current Aggies could stand a little dose of the Bear, I must say. When he wasn’t wearing own sphincter as a bow tie, Reggie McNeal ran the A&M offense through Clemson like they were standing in place. But, as soon as A&M would do something good, they go into a swoon again. I mean, Clemson went into the red zone 3 times and never scored a touchdown. The only touchdown A&M gave up was a cheap one off a punt return. That, and they still lost? Shit.

McNeal spent too much time this summer reading his own press clippings, I think. If they don’t wake up in a hurry, it will be a long season. Oklahoma will laugh at them, Tech will smoke them as usual and Texas won’t even need to show up to beat them again this coming November. What, I think they’ve beaten A&M like 5 times in a row now, right?

And speaking of Texas, what’s with these new “throwback” uniforms? Does Mack Brown think that dressing his crew like Darrell Royal’s early 60’s teams will finally get them past Oklahoma?


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