Friday, September 02, 2005


Mikey, you’re out of my will. Of course, I don’t really have one, mind you, but I’ve always wanted to say that to someone. Rob and Mark, how about you two? I’m not buying tickets until I get confirmations.

Man, what I’m seeing on the TV about the hurricane is just heartbreaking. We have a whole city that is dying, 80% of New Orleans is under water and the looting is so bad and widespread that the governor has given shooting orders to the National Guard. This, in America; un-fucking-believable. It’s like straight out of “Lord of the Flies” or something.

Anyway, in addition to donating to the Red Cross, I gave blood the other day. Guys, if you’re able, please do what you can to help.

Also, for what it’s worth, I just found out that my divorce will be final on Sept. 14.


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