B-I-G P-O-P-P-A!

It's time like this when I just think thank God I'm me!
Wow, what a cool party, guys. I say that despite the dump truck-sized headache I woke up with on Sunday morning, too. That was a lot of fun. Mikey, kudos to you and Molly for finding all those cool places to go. Mark, we missed you. I think it's pretty fucking cool that we have a mom who likes to do things like that occasionally.
If y'all want to see the pictures (and I know you do) then just click here. Should any of you want prints (Rob, I am thinking of your dumb, mindless ass here) just click on them to enlarge, then right click to save them to your computer. After that, you can send to any number of photo services who will put them on 4x6s or larger for you. I use ofoto.com for mine. I am going to buy a 5x7 print of the three of us and send it to mom.
Robbie, thanks for letting me crash at your place last night. BTW, you left a nice chrome pen in my rent car when we went on our beer & cigar run Saturday. It says "Valero Houston Open" on it. Give me your mailing address (email it, don't post it on the blog) and I'll mail it back to you.
DANG! Looks like I missed a good time.
Notorious P.I.M.P...Are you callin my woman a ho?!
Hey, who says I have to tell everyone I show this photo to that the fine ladies here were just on loan to me from my brothers? Speaking of which, Mikey, if you don't get off the stick and do the right thing, I just might beat you to it. Hey dude, I love you and all, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
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