Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hey Doodoo Butts!

Mike, no sense groveling about it my man! In the world of corporate sales (whether it is solutions, supplies, or services), always remember this: To win at the game, you must master the subtle art of butt-kissery. It helps to know that the bulk of the money out there is made on the pucker-side of the transaction (as opposed to the butt-side). So pucker up, dude!!

Hey, about Christmas: Robbie, we figure we would come in early on Friday to hang out with you guys and crash there. Saturday we could have our Christmas gathering at Moms then we would stay at her house Saturday night. Unfortunately we can't make it a long weekend. I'm on call the week before (which is next week), and Nat has meetings on Monday. I would have loved to see the beach house. We'll have to make a special trip for that. HEY!, maybe I'll let you throw me a 30th birthday party there!! j/k


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