Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Guess what Bitches,,,,I'm back!


I'm so sorry to hear about Rachel. She will be in our prayers. Mike is correct about putting our little problems in perspecitive. BTW, I need your phone numbers, both home and cell.

Now,,,let me just say this. I RULE THE CLIT!! (Jay and silent Bob strikes back reference.)

So, we're letting the kids sit at the big boy table now eh James? We'll you better come correct, because I'm bringin it Riata Ranch Old School. Ya herr me! As for training, I am on a sabatical right now. With the gut to prove it. And the only cure,,Is MORE COW BELL!! Or maybe I should just get "Emily" tatooed across my shoulder in 2 inch letters to scare the pajeezus out of all the 4 yr old boys at her pre-school. Naw, it's already been done.

Mike- I got a lead on a job you might be interested in, call me!


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