Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hola Amigos

And know its time for total enlightenment as the 4th and final brother joins in.. Really ya'll must have felt bad and obligated to alow THIS to happen. Just kidding, thanks for the vine though. Mark, really sorry about Rachel.. My thoughts and prayers have been with her and the family since you told me about that. It really hits close to home and makes you look at life in a different perspective. I hate to sound clicke', but the problems we face daily are nothing. We have our health, youth, and loved ones. Anyway, sorry about that.

I noticed many of Robbie and James's former post are about training. I happy you guys have been a support system for one another, I just think its so cute... Maybe it was my years of personal training and working at Gold's, but I am completely burned out on weight training. I have been running a few times a week and am really enjoying that. I've found that by doing so I am not hungry so dont really eat as much. I'm not really watching what I eat so much (im not really eating like crap but not counting grams of PRO and Carbs). I have lost about 20lbs. I want to get to about 198 or so. I did this same thing the summer I lived in Austin and boxed for a few months. I lost a lot of weight. When I came back to weight training, I gained back the muscle I lost and stayed lean. Bottom line, by not weight training and doing cardio, I have no powerful cravings and I really dont pay mind to eating at certian times or what not. Anyway, this has work for me. Good luck guys.

Mark I cant wait to see my new niece!!

have a good day



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