Saturday, May 01, 2004

Kill Bill, Vol. 2

Holy shit, if y'all havent seen the "Kill Bill" movies, trust me, you need to. Erica and I are just getting back from KB2 and words fail me to describe how cool it is. Do you hear what I'm saying, y'all?! Words fail me! ME! Words never fail me! I am the last person in the world who should ever have to find himself at a loss for words. Nevertheless, after basking in Tarantino's brilliance for the past few hours I find myself tongue-tied trying to explain why y'all should see these movies.

Put it this way, before seeing KB and KB2 I couldn't have imagined myself watching a martial arts movie about very hot women who are very good with samurai swords . . . and actually wished it was true. Now I do.

Hmm, I wonder where I could buy Erica a sword like that . . .


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