Friday, May 14, 2004

Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself . . .

Hey dudes. Just got in a few hours ago from Alabama. I did the whole drive in one shot, 700 miles - 11 hours. I am fucking beyond sleepy, as I'm sure y'all can imagine.

Rob, hell yeah I can remember going to see The Boss with you and Loper. That was I think back in the Spring of 1985, my second semester at UH. Still the best, most intense concert I've ever seen.

Mikey, all I can say to you is: all things in their time. I read a great quote the other day that I think speaks to this bit of angst you're feeling right now:

Happiness is like a cat. If you chase it, it'll run from you. But if you attend to your work and life, and sincerely attempt to do well, then you'll find that it'll come to you and wrap itself around your feet.


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