Monday, August 02, 2004

Considering not Bush? Why not Nader?

My boy James is wicked smaaat..

James, if only I could see a liberal anti-war activist's face while he/she reads your post! I don't claim to have the depth of understanding in international affairs that you do, but as a mainstream whitebread God-fearin apple-pie lovin Chevrolet drivin middle-class American, here's what I know (humor me):

Our society is much weaker in its resolve than in previous decades. Call it post-modernism, relativism, whatever you want. People nowadays are inclined to believe that people are not "alligators", people are people. They don't see the depth of hatred that breeds people into practicing mass murder. Rather they see a struggling Iraqi mother of four innocent harmless children caught in coalition crossfire. Why? The media. They've pulled on our heartstrings for so long that we are now a bunch of tender-hearted "peace-be-to-all" wishy washy people.

We always, always have to take the High Road, but we really don't know what the High Road looks like. Kerry is doing a good job convincing people that Bush took the low road in Iraq. Good, bad or indifferent that's what Kerry seems to be doing. I hope Bush wins too, only because change during a time of war can't be good.


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