Monday, August 02, 2004

President John F. Kerry

I'll tell you why that I think that JFK is going to be our next President. The Bush camp is looking worse and worse for going to war with Iraq. They have not been able to sell thier story of why Iraq was a clear and present danger. History may one day show that it was the appropriate first step in the war on Islamic radicalism, but right now, most people see us being there as a major debacle. Before the invasion, I heard several people on shows like CNN talk about how if we weren't careful that we could win the war and lose the peace. At the time it just sounded like liberal claptrap, but lo and behold...No WMD's, unlike Iraq today, the old Iraq was not one of the breeding grounds for Islamic fervor. Sure, Saddam was probably funding some of those whackos, but was there a real cause for an invasion? What we have done, post 911 has played into the hands of those that are trying to create an us vs. them scenario.

If we had taken a different path and worked with our allies, even France, to fight Al Queda in a more precise way and try and settle the Isreali/Palestinian mess, then GWB would probably have approval ratings in the 70% range right now. I guess that I'm one of the 8% of undecideds out there. I never thought that I wouldn't vote for Bush but I'm really thinking about it.


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