Ivan the Terrible

“In the comedian health wars, you’ll all be pleased to know that, though I lead Richard Pryor two to one in heart attacks, Richard is leading me one to nothing in burning himself up. You see, first Richard had a heart attack, then I had a heart attack. Then, Richard burned himself up, . . . and I said ‘fuck that, I’m gonna have another heart attack!’”
-George Carlin
Don’t know why that quote came to mind this morning. Maybe it’s because I’m sitting here in lovely south Alabama looking at the progress of a very mean sumbitch named Ivan, which is making me ponder the timeless truth of the coward's credo "caution is the better part of valor."
We went through 3 hurricanes in the years we lived here and, believe me, I’m in no hurry to do it again. So, instead of coming home on Thursday evening as is my habit, I think I’ll be coming back tomorrow. Perhaps, as I’m such a chickenshit when it comes to hurricanes, another movie quote would be more apt:
“When danger reared its ugly head,
Sir Robin bravely turned his tail and fled
O brave, brave Sir Robin!”
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