Thursday, January 15, 2004


For some reason, I can't get as motivated to get up early to do cardio as I do to lift. I end up doing it in the afternoon on my way home.

One unfortunate side effect of all this protein that I am consuming is the incredible amount of farting that is occuring. I ripped one yesterday that sent Snoop hiding under the couch.

I have to restrict myself to the stationary bike today. All this running is taking a toll on my back. I want to save myself for Sunday an Memorial Park.

Rebekah bought me some Atkin's cereal at the store yesterday. It's made almost entirely out of soy and is not quite a shitty as it sounds. I ate a big bowl of colon blow (Bran) this morning. I'm getting a little burned out on eggs. I am also taking a break from tuna before I get burned out on that too. What are some of the things that you are eating? It sounds like you need a litte more protein in the AM. I don't know about you, but I can only do about one shake per day.


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