Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Simmer down now!!

Don't be hatin on the guy that out bid you. You're turn is coming. Beck and I looked at a couple of houses yesterday. One is an investor owned property. The house needs some extensive work on the asthetics but seems to be in decent overall shape. I was excited until that evening when Mom informed me that this guy has decided to release the house. I think it's a mistake unless he is willing to invest like at least $5K to do some exterior landscaping and painting. Maybe he'll change his mind. The second house was a foreclosure and total piece of crap. I am not going to get involved with anything that needs more than a good scrubbin and some paint and flooring.

I have tweaked my routine a bit. I am now lifting and doing cardio 4X wk. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Starting w/ 20 min. on recumbant bike followed by 30 min of lifting. Chest on Mon then Back and Shoulders on Tues. Legs on Thurs. and Arms on Fri. Shake things up a bit,, you know, like for everybody.


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