Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Hell yeah, she's still looking at A&M. And, funny you should mention that, but she was actually shooting for a 1300. In fact, she originally planned that, if she didn't make a 1300, that she'd retake the test. I think now though that she won't. Being that she's only a junior though, she's got plenty of time to make up her mind about that.

I think this is going to her head a little, though. I heard that she's strutting around the halls of her school calling out to people in the hall:

"Wanna know how smart I am? Ever heard of Aristotle, Socrates?"

"Yeah" they reply.


And kudos to whichever of you slackjaws can tell me what movie that's from.

School is about as exciting as watching two flies fuck. I won't even go into it. I can NOT believe that I have another two weeks of this crap before I get my license.


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