Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Changed the Subtitle

Sorry James, I didn't get that last one. What do you think of this one? I made it up. It's no movie quote. Nosirreee! I think it adroit and apropriate (sp).

By the way, I have also been in my workout routine. I just finished a leg workout and they feel like jell-O. I have some momentum going with this one so I'm comforable telling you about it now. In another week, it could be the longest workout stint for me since...crap.. high school.

Still, I am okay in likely being the least strongest CoopBro just so you know. I admit it. It's cool. Such comparisons are beneath me. I mean competition is healthy, don't get me wrong, I just find preoccupations with such persuits to be quite immature to say the least.

Besides, I've got the biggest willy...


Blogger James said...

I tweaked your comment a bit, Mark. Made it a bit more deft and adroit. Oh, and "appropriate" has 3 p's.

You ARE the biggest Willy out of all of us!

2:47 PM  

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