Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My slogan . . .

. . . was from "Animal House."

And there's nothing going on in the world that really makes me want to write one of my "painfully longwinded" screeds right now. The Reagan funeral is all over the news and, though I agree he was the best president of the past half century, I am a bit uneasy about all the pomp and ritual of his funeral. The last president to die was Nixon a few years back and I can't recall if he was given a State funeral like this. Maybe that was just because of the circumstances of his leaving office, I don't know.

I doubt Reagan would have approved of renaming every Federal building after himself, as some of his latter day admirers seem to want to do. I have also heard people suggest that his visage should be chiseled onto Mt. Rushmore and that he should replace Andrew Jackson on the $20.00 bill. This kind of hagiography (there's your word for the day!) should be reserved for Catholic saints and the Robert Mugabes of the world. I don't think it's healthy for a democracy. If you want to honor Reagan and his legacy, in my opinion, keep tax rates down and stop growing all of these fucking entitlement programs.

I'll stop bitching now.


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