Monday, July 12, 2004


Hey guys. Sorry for the light posting but I’ve been really busy at work lately. To bring you up to date, one of our problem accounts told Tom to either put me on the account full time or lose their business. Thus, I’m coming here every week now, Monday thru Thursday. All the traveling sucks but having a 3-day weekend makes up for it a little.

About Centex. Jeez, what to say? First of all, Mark, to echo Rob and Mike, you are about the most marketable guy I know. I know it’s bewildering and a bit frightening what you’re going through now, but have no worries that you’d be long unemployed if you tried to find another job. You’d be snapped up quicker than a snow cone on a hot July day.

I of course know about the purge that happened at Centex too. I’m gladdened that Dad’s ruthless enough to cut as much as he has been thus far, too. He has to be to save the company. He has got to find profitability again and the only way to do that is to radically cut his costs. Dad’s been sort of willfully blind about some things (and some people) and as a result, a lot of rot set in. And the only way to keep that rot from killing the company is to cut it all out. That’s why, even though I hurt for a lot of the good people who are getting pinched in this downsizing, I won’t shed any tears for Dario. Far as I’m concerned, that shithead was the source of infection.

I think Dad can pull Centex out of this tailspin, though I suspect it's going to emerge quite changed. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, either.

Guys, there’s more I want to say about this but I just don’t have the time right now. Mark, hang in there. Robbie, thanks for having Courtney yesterday and for the birthday message. Mikey, that was a beautiful post about Dad. See y’all this weekend.


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