Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Yes, but the scorpion can be crushed under foot!

Dude, what's "demplomacy?"

Back to the swamp, to stretch this poor analogy beyond its breaking point, I would argue that, despite provoking the ire of the neighbors, the heroic farmer who wades into the muck to drain the swamp is still doing the right thing. It may not be the popular thing to do, but it is the right thing. There is a crucial difference there that I think a lot of us forgot while enjoying our vacation from history during the 1990’s.

And that’s a factor you can’t ignore, right there Brent!

Rob, I know you’re not a loony lefty. I never implied that I thought you were, nor do I think all who support John Kerry are. And what I am proposing is not ethnic cleansing unless that’s what you want to call killing people who would gladly take the opportunity to kill us first if we let them. That’s not ethnic cleansing, in my book; it’s simply taking the fight to the enemy. That’s what you have to do to win a war.

Anyone else notice how Kerry got absolutely no “bounce” from his convention? Any ideas why?


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