Monday, December 13, 2004

Stll going.....

Had my first morning session today. I'm still working out lightly, trying not to get too sore. I did 10 min of cardio followed by lower body today. My weight is a respectable 240. I'd like to get to about 225. I'm resigned to the fact that the only way I'll ever see my abs is if I pony up the cash for a trip to the plastic surgeon. I'm serious dudes, I'd do it?

If you're having trouble motivating yourself to improve your diet, go watch "Super Size Me". If you haven't heard, it's a documentary about what happens to this dude who is in great health when he decides to go on a diet of eating McDonalds 3 times a day for a month. I never want to eat fast food again.

James, your discipline to working out is truly impressive. Just be careful with all of the heavy weights. You're going to need those knees later in life.

Mark, hang in there with the new guy thing. In my experience, it only last for like a year or so.

Mike, I have nothing to say to you since you have abandoned the blog.


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