Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Enough with the Moby Dump already!

Did you guys ever stop to think that maybe this phantom dump you're both so madly chasing, your own personal white whale, may not even exist? I'm serious, allow yourself to think hey, what if there is no massive dump at the end of this cleanse? What if all there is is a bunch of regular dumps? Well, what then guys? What if I'm right? How will you find meaning in your lives if it turns out that that promising heaviness in your lower abdomen - the very one that sends visions of two-flushers dancing in your heads - turns out to be nothing but gas? I know that I'm asking you to think the unthinkable here, but you should be ready for that possibility. I'm just saying.

Okay, irony off. Can we please talk about something other than pooping?

I just got back from 2 days in Jacksonville where I met some of the clients and saw the town. Tom is giving me 2 weeks to wrap up my affairs in Mobile then start going to Jax to work. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, assuming that we don't all get buried in the snow, this will be the last you hear from me until after we all get back from Tahoe. I'll take lots of pictures and post them next week. Hope y'all all have a good weekend.


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