Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Very cute, Mark

Very cute indeed. I saw "fore" and thought no fucking way I did that!

Seriously though, the picture of Lillian is great. We got Megan a new digital camera for Christmas and will take it to Reno with us. I want to have a picture of Courtney and me on top of a mountain top somewhere. If I can find someone to take our picture near the top of the ski lift then the whole trip will have been worth it. Speaking of skiing . . .

(Note the correct use of the ellipses, you weenies)

Erica and I watched the video that we took of our 1993 ski trip the other day. Courtney is of the opinion that snow-skiing implies all this ESPN 2 X-Games crazy shit she sees on TV and I wanted her to see that what we are going to do is a lot tamer than that. In 1993, I was, in addition to being 10 years younger obviously, about 60-lbs. lighter than I am today. I don't look anything like myself but I do look a lot like you do now. And,as if to drive that point home, Mom called me yesterday to tell me about being with you, Natalie and Lillian for new years and she told me that you are becoming "another James." I asked her what she meant by that and she said that she means that you like a quiet and peaceful house. I said shit, doesn't everyone? Apparently not. Anyway, it's like we're twins who were somehow born 10 years apart, she thinks.

I said "of course, mom; I mean the only reason you and Dad even had Mark was just to have spare organs for me should I become sick or something, right?"


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