Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Yea...Mike is wicked cool.

Just remember that he had a bad example set for him.

Day 2: Still no massive yet. Still feel achy. What is interesting is that I seem to be cleansing my liver and kidneys first. I only say that because while I haven't had the poopies yet, I pee about every hour. Unfortunately, this includes during the night when I'm trying to sleep.

So you two guys are going to be skiers huh? That's cool. I've about decided that I'm too fragile for that sport. I found out the second time that I went that it goes better for me if I ski every other day.

Rebekah and I are going to Maui in April. It's a 100% club trip. I've told Christian that if he gets all of his grades over 85 then he can come with us. 6th grade has been a challenge for him. Although I must say that he is doing much better than I did. His grades in the core subjects tend to be in the low B range, as opposed to the C's and D's that I used to bring home.

It's a good thing that Cy Fair college is just down the road. Maybe I'll go back to school with him. I'm tired of being the only uneducated brother in the bunch. I don't have any good skills. GAAAWW!


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