Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ellipse....Isn't that what happens when the sun and the moon line up?

I just want to say that not everyone likes a quiet house. I like a house filled with laughing kids, barking dogs and gangsta rap blaring out of the stereo. The amazing thing is that if that's how you train your kids, that's what they adapt to. We can be driving in the car and I'll crank up the stereo to 11 and Emily will be sound asleep.

Mike, can a brother get some back up?

I'm on the first day of my cleanse and I'm definately feeling a little weird. Like some shit that has been lying dormat in my system is getting stirred up. I almost feel like I have a mild case of the flu coming on.

Thanks for the email James. I admire your discipline. However, I still feel the need to do THIS,,,,,,,,,,,.......;'''''*&##$


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