Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Greetings and 80's starlet thoughts

Alright, I see that Mikey has checked in with his bimonthly post. Excellent! My fingers and toes are crossed for Molly getting into Houston for you, dude. And your mental picture of me is pretty accurate too, shit-eating grin and all, with the exception that I drive a truck instead of a car. Other than that my man, you were pretty spot-on. And yes, I'm still knocking it out in the gym. Last week in Florida I worked out at a World Gym, a place that I usually don't like. They had these really scary female bodybuilders who looked for all the world like Glenn Danzig in drag. I kept thinking I was in a Globo Gym and that one of those superdykes was going to come up to me and say "we should mate."

Luckily for me, though, it didn't happen.

Mark, to answer your question, yes, Erica wants a Mustang convertible. That little Mazda she's been driving for the past three years is in the body shop again (we got rear-ended a few weeks ago - no injuries, thank God) and it is due to be replaced. When we get settled in in Florida, we'll see if I can make a good deal on a new pony car for her.

What's this about Robbie's back acting up again? News to me. How bout enlightening us, Rob? Is this really happening or are you just using it as an excuse to start smoking and get all gluttonous again? And another thing, Rob, I know you're probably aware of this, but I just heard that Debbie (excuse me, Deborah) Gibson is in the latest Playboy. Robbie, after almost 20 years, can you still not shake her love? I also heard that Tiffany posed in Playboy back in 2002. God dammit, why does nobody ever tell me these things?!


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