Para nuestra prima
Jennifer, as long as you're reasonably certain that no one else you know or currently work with reads this weblog, fill us all in on the happenings at Centex as well as your plans and ambitions that we discussed while I was there.
Also I, uh, need the recipe for that rice dish of yours.
One final thing. As the newest member of our little club Jen, you're going to have to cook, clean and do our laundry. You see, if we were in Germany, we'd have to do all this for you, but we're in Italy. Regulations, y'know.
Also I, uh, need the recipe for that rice dish of yours.
One final thing. As the newest member of our little club Jen, you're going to have to cook, clean and do our laundry. You see, if we were in Germany, we'd have to do all this for you, but we're in Italy. Regulations, y'know.
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