Monday, October 24, 2005

Jax Weekend Approaching

Hey Guys! Our weekend is fast approaching, I'm looking forward to it, assuming Wilma doesn't rip through there and tear the town up. James, how is it going over there? Hopefully this won't interrupt our football weekend.

I miss Dad too. It's the little things: the other day Lillian and I were sitting on a swing down the street. She kept getting on and off and just playing in the area. At that moment I pictured Dad sitting next to me saying with his big smile "Isn't she just lovely" and it really made me miss him (with tears). It was those down-times when we were all taking it easy that I miss the most. With kids and dogs running around. Sometimes, in those times, Dad would put "thoughts of the Empire" on hold and he would live in the moment.

I'm sure you all feel the same way.


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