Indian Zoo
We took a trip to the Zoo today. It was quite an adventure! Right at the gate, they tried to pull me aside with Delaney and give her an oral Polio Vaccine. Hello!? No thank you. Not into Indian street vaccinations thank you very much!
It kind of freaked me out. I was thinking that there was some outbreak among the animals or something, but apparently it was a normal periodic public health event. They were pretty persistent about it but we assured them that she had all the vaccinations she needed at the moment.
Anyway, we went on in and had a good time. Here are some pictures. The kids in the group photo are Lillian's friends from the hotel. There are two expatriate families here with whom we have become fairly good acquaintances. The kid's names are Jake, Kirin, and Derek D'Souza; and Sophia and Jaden Pedersoli.
There was a big sign at the ticket counter that said "beware of pick-pocketers on the train". See those guys behind Natalie in the first picture? I was eye-balling them. In all seriousness though we are really warming up to the culture around here. For the most part, the Indian people are very mild-mannered and seem quite content in whatever circumstance of life they find themselves. I haven't been out of the hotel much, but of the teeming masses that I have seen I have yet to see a really sour disgruntled expression on anyone's face.
Nevertheless, we are still cautious (probably overly so) when we go out and we always pray before we go anywhere. We spray tons of "off" and we keep taking our weekly malaria medication.
Hey, post something for Pete's sake! I check the blog often (I got spare time). Look you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it "guaranteed" I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, you might want to buy a quality product from me.
That's the seecond time I've quoted Tommy Boy on the blog. Yes I brought that movie.

It kind of freaked me out. I was thinking that there was some outbreak among the animals or something, but apparently it was a normal periodic public health event. They were pretty persistent about it but we assured them that she had all the vaccinations she needed at the moment.
Anyway, we went on in and had a good time. Here are some pictures. The kids in the group photo are Lillian's friends from the hotel. There are two expatriate families here with whom we have become fairly good acquaintances. The kid's names are Jake, Kirin, and Derek D'Souza; and Sophia and Jaden Pedersoli.
There was a big sign at the ticket counter that said "beware of pick-pocketers on the train". See those guys behind Natalie in the first picture? I was eye-balling them. In all seriousness though we are really warming up to the culture around here. For the most part, the Indian people are very mild-mannered and seem quite content in whatever circumstance of life they find themselves. I haven't been out of the hotel much, but of the teeming masses that I have seen I have yet to see a really sour disgruntled expression on anyone's face.
Nevertheless, we are still cautious (probably overly so) when we go out and we always pray before we go anywhere. We spray tons of "off" and we keep taking our weekly malaria medication.
Hey, post something for Pete's sake! I check the blog often (I got spare time). Look you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it "guaranteed" I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, you might want to buy a quality product from me.
That's the seecond time I've quoted Tommy Boy on the blog. Yes I brought that movie.

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