T Minus One Week and Three Days...
Until we take off to the Tuscan Hill Country of Italy! Being here has been a great experience but we are ready to get outta dodge!! I'm tired of turning on the news and seeing political unrest in diferent areas of India as well as Pakistan. I know bad things happen at home too, but at least they are not burning someone in effigy on the news every night with wild-eyed mobs of people with megaphones who have the appearance of being the last humans on the planet who wil listen to reason...
Anyway, enough about that. Here are some pictures of the girls from around the hotel. Delaney is standing on her own two little feet! I hope she starts walking in Italy. That will be cool in the baby book.

Anyway, enough about that. Here are some pictures of the girls from around the hotel. Delaney is standing on her own two little feet! I hope she starts walking in Italy. That will be cool in the baby book.

Ahh they're just beautiful! Delaney is a girl of many faces, no? She sure changes based on the expression, I love it!
Gosh well you say hello to Italy for Enrique and I, ok? One day we'll make it to that side of the pond.
Sure are happy you'll be moving on to quieter country. Enjoy and kiss all your girls for me!
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