MILFs run rampant!

While perusing the news, trying to keep myself awake (yes, it's almost 9:00 pm and I'm at work) I read that Phillippines' knuckling under to the Iraqi terrorists last week has already begun to bear bitter fruit. According to the report, the Mindanao Islamic Liberation Front is importing thousands of small arms and mortars to the islands and a lot of people think the Phillippines is about to erupt in civil war. Some are questioning if this sudden liquidity of the terrorists evidenced by this shopping spree is due to the 6 million dollar ransom paid by the Phillippine government.
The article referred to the Phillippine insurgents by both their name and their acronym, MILF. You heard that right, the MILFs are bringing in guns and all hell's about to break loose over there.
Though I confess that the mental image of MILFs like Sela Ward, Rachel Hunter and this gal running around with guns does kind of take my breath away, it's not out of fear . . . .
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