Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Don't change the dizzle... I'm BACK

Man, I haven't posted in about a month... Miss me?

I'll call Courtney tomorrow. I just need to go tell Natalie to remind me to do it. Then it'll be as good as done buddy! I can't believe she is going to be 10!! Wow. I know you are anxious to get up there and lay some roots down. Once you do, we want to come see how YOU do it in FLA.

Rob, How's the back?

Mike, how're you livin?

Actually, I don't have anything new to report. We have a happy little routine of life going on up here. It's really nice. These are "the salad days" as it were. I'm getting more learned at my job, I'm getting a bit better at guitar, I still suck at golf (though I was hitting them well at the range earlier this evening), and I'm continuing to grow in my relationship with Christ.

You know, some people talk about growing in their relationship with Christ like they would talk about their growing stock portfolio or something. I don't want to do that. Bear with me as I share a thought: Spiritual growth is not intellectual. If it were, it would be pleasing; like reading a good book. Rather it is wrought with emotion and it hurts sometimes.

Let me try to illustrate: Recently I have been dealing with some anger as part of dealing with dad's passing. Not in any major way but in my quiet moments, like lying in bed just before sleep. I would get bombarded with unwelcome, bitter thoughts until I became saturated by them.

Then I would remember something that I learned intellectually: God is faithful to unburden you if you pray about it. So I did. God let me pour myself out and get rid of the bitterness and it really worked! It took really opening up (were talking heavy snot and tears prayer) but it worked. No credit can go to me for this. It was all Him. I may need to do it again tomorrow, if not tonight. The point is I knew this in my head but it didn't grow me spiritually until I had this situation.

Don't think that I'm boasting. I'll never arrive at total spiritual maturity and completion, nor will anyone else. There is no question that I still have bad junk in my heart. We all do. The great thing is that as long as we are in the process, we are allright with Him. Anyone who thinks they have achieved total enlightenment (or whatever) should, as it is written "...take heed, lest he fall".

Anyway, I didn't really plan to write this until I got going with it. I just wanted to share my heart with you's. It seems as though you only have to jostle me a little and this stuff spills out. I know I'm becoming the spiritual Cooper, just please don't call me the church-lady Cooper wouldja?


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