Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nostalga and titties

James, I am equal parts impressed and afraid that you could remember so many debbie g songs. I mean, I can, but I thought I was the only one of the coopbros to have an open crush on her. For you younger cb's, there were 4 references used in James' post. See if you can find them.

In regards to my possible disc replacement. I am going to make every attempt to get my insurance company to pay for the surgery. After all, the cost of a fusion is going to be at least as much, if not more. I don't know exactly where the pain is coming from. I'll find that out when I go back to the doctor on Wed. I do know that the bottom three discs are degenerative, I have arthritits in the joints, bone spurs and a below average penis size for a man my height. Life sucks.


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