Nature sucks!

And so does this movie.
Okay, not really. It's typical summer disaster movie fare, though. Take one part "Independence Day" and mix it with two parts "The Perfect Storm," shake and serve chilled. The special effects are really cool and the acting is about what you'd expect for a movie like this. Just don't think about it too hard while you're watching it. Try not to ask how Dennis Quaid could possibly walk from Philadelphia all the way to New York. In snowshoes. In the middle of a blizzard. With nothing to eat.
But I don't mean to imply that it's all bad. The story is preposterous but I've always liked Quaid and he doesn't do anything to make me hate him here. Also, the movie does star the mother of all MILFs in Sela Ward (mmm, Sela) so it does have it's strong points, if you know what I mean.
3 beers out of a six-pack. I hope that was succinct enough for you all.
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