Monday, February 02, 2004

Middle of the diet blahs

Robbie, the way I see it, we're both in the mid-diet blah stage. This is where I always lose it and quit. I lose a few pounds and get bored with the routine. I'll stick with this one though because I don't want to look bad in front of you by quitting. You don't want to look bad in front of me, do you?

This is my first time on this routine so I'm not really bored with it yet, though I also am having trouble keeping to the eating schedule because my appetite is so much less than before. Anyway, I was a total pig for free day and I did legs this morning. Felt really strong & pushed up 12 plates on the leg press. Must of still had the Krispy Kremes in my blood.

God, that sucks about Billy. Looks like you and I will be seeing each other this week.


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