Sunday, April 30, 2006

Do you guys even READ the blog anymore??

not cool, fellas... NOT cool!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Fight Club...

I'm sure you guys have seen this. If you have, then read this article called "I am Jack's Younger Self". I read this a long time ago and thought it was funny (and cool).

In a very convincing way, it explains how the movie Fight Club is actually a live action grown-up "Calvin and Hobbes" movie. Check it out, if you have 15 minutes to kill. Then come back and tell me what you think.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Serious Country Style Beat-Down

What's goin' on my Brizzles (and Sizzissizzle!)

Mike, here's my excuse: I've had my mac in the shop. I had to buy a whole new motherboard because the old one fried. So I dropped 7 Benjies and they had to reload my OS and all of my files. Talk about a major whoopin! I have no address book and no more bookmarks. I had to recreate all my shourtcuts... blah blah blah. It's a wonder this thing even understands C prompt script dialogues!! (... that joke always makes me chuckle!)

Anyway, I'm back with it. I pulled down my e-mails and saw yours and Molly's website. Awesome!

I can't seem to do links from here, so you other bro's might need to cut and paste this. You guys should be in a magazine or something.

Anyway, you guys have a great Easter weekend down there! Say hi to your Mom for me, eh?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

No more blogs?

Come on ya'll. You know it's bad if I'm the only one blogging..

Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm in tha house

Hello everyone! I'm doing my part in revamping our webblog so here goes. James, your defantily correct about not writing because of nothing going on. Lets see, between planning a wedding and honeymoon, a new job, and trying to buy a house, I'd say that theres plently going on.

I'm happy to report everything is going great. The wedding planning, which I'm actually taking an active role in (contrary to numerious people's advice to just sit back and show up on the wedding day) is coming along. It is really expensive though. All of you guys and girl had better start saving now.