Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Easy, boy . . .

No need to stampeding off to the clitoris just yet. For some reason, I couldn't get the link to post right. The link you need to go to is You will laugh yourself silly at some of this guy's stories, though they are gross and definitely not family fare. Try it again and enjoy.

And "savvy" has two V's, Leroy; damn, you dumb!

Don't get cute.

I know that you are "internet savy" and all but your link did not work. Is there something wrong with a simple url boy?

Friday, February 18, 2005

I know I'm going to hell for this, but . . .

I don't know about y'all but I love it when someone starts a sentence that way. Well, while wasting time today on the internet, I found a new humor site. It is right here. I laughed so hard at some of this guy's stuff that I literally got a headache from it. Robbie and Mikey, believe me, this guy is right your alley. Mark, you should probably pass on this. And, if there are any Coopwives spying on us, you should definitely NOT go here. This is mostly for Rob to put him in a better mood and take his mind off his back. So far, I've read 2 of them, "Tucker tries butt-sex" and "Miss Vermont." Funny shit.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Debbie G Band Aid

Robbie, while I can't take away your back pain, I can at least give you this to raise your spirits. Unfortunately, Debbie has her clothes on in this one but to me this is more real than her Playboy photos. Had she consented to be photographed wearing nothing but her trademark tophat, I might feel differently; alas, she did not.

Get feeling better soon.

Nostalga and titties

James, I am equal parts impressed and afraid that you could remember so many debbie g songs. I mean, I can, but I thought I was the only one of the coopbros to have an open crush on her. For you younger cb's, there were 4 references used in James' post. See if you can find them.

In regards to my possible disc replacement. I am going to make every attempt to get my insurance company to pay for the surgery. After all, the cost of a fusion is going to be at least as much, if not more. I don't know exactly where the pain is coming from. I'll find that out when I go back to the doctor on Wed. I do know that the bottom three discs are degenerative, I have arthritits in the joints, bone spurs and a below average penis size for a man my height. Life sucks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Mmm, pop-tarts!

Robbie, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for that link. Wow, that was really Out of the Blue. Never in my Electric Youth – or since – did I think I would ever live to see Debbie Gibson in the buff. I was lost, lost I say, in her eyes. Oh yes, indeed. In fact, I liked them so much that I had to resist the temptation to go someplace private and shake my love.

Now, where’re the Tiffany pics?

To the real world, that really sucks about your back. One question; are you going to be able to get your insurance company to pay for you to have that procedure in Germany or will you have to pay for it your self? I do wish you luck. And I’m sorry to hear about the fusion recommendation, too. That really sucks. Is the disc just deteriorating or is this a problem at a different level than where you had the laminectomy?

Ow, Ow, my back!

Yes, the old backside is acting up again. I went to the Orthopedic Surgeon on monday and had an MRI later in the day. I'm due to go back for a diagnosis next Wed. I saw the assistant on Monday who said that I will probably need a fusion. BULLSHIT!! Here's where it gets interesting. There is a hospital in Germany that has been doing disc replacement surgery for over 20 years with Great success. I have looked into it and feel strongly that this is a viable option for me. If you are interested the website is

As for your astute observation about my first love, Debbie G. I have a little suprise for you. Enjoy.

Glad to see that everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Greetings and 80's starlet thoughts

Alright, I see that Mikey has checked in with his bimonthly post. Excellent! My fingers and toes are crossed for Molly getting into Houston for you, dude. And your mental picture of me is pretty accurate too, shit-eating grin and all, with the exception that I drive a truck instead of a car. Other than that my man, you were pretty spot-on. And yes, I'm still knocking it out in the gym. Last week in Florida I worked out at a World Gym, a place that I usually don't like. They had these really scary female bodybuilders who looked for all the world like Glenn Danzig in drag. I kept thinking I was in a Globo Gym and that one of those superdykes was going to come up to me and say "we should mate."

Luckily for me, though, it didn't happen.

Mark, to answer your question, yes, Erica wants a Mustang convertible. That little Mazda she's been driving for the past three years is in the body shop again (we got rear-ended a few weeks ago - no injuries, thank God) and it is due to be replaced. When we get settled in in Florida, we'll see if I can make a good deal on a new pony car for her.

What's this about Robbie's back acting up again? News to me. How bout enlightening us, Rob? Is this really happening or are you just using it as an excuse to start smoking and get all gluttonous again? And another thing, Rob, I know you're probably aware of this, but I just heard that Debbie (excuse me, Deborah) Gibson is in the latest Playboy. Robbie, after almost 20 years, can you still not shake her love? I also heard that Tiffany posed in Playboy back in 2002. God dammit, why does nobody ever tell me these things?!


Good to see some posts up in here.

Mike, I believe you were thinking of a scene in the movie "Summer Rental" with John Candy. That movie makes me smile too! Although I must give the senior Coopbro credit: you aren't looking like John Candy these days. I can tell from the pics that you've burned a few lb's. Way to go, man! Are you still at it?

About your post, SHHHH... you had me at tax base.

Seriously, once you get situated I can't wait to come check it out. So no matter where you live, you aren't far from the beach? Cool. Are you going to buy a convertible??

What's with the 'discipline of a Prussian General' stuff? What the hell is a Prussian General anyway? I think we all, if left to our own whims, have the potential to be some seriously lazy screw offs. Ask Natalie!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Hey Guys

Great to hear everything is looking great for you James. Its really intresting for me to hear and observe your life change (to florida). I have a very vivid picture in my mind of you driving around in your car in the sunshine looking for street signs while observing the palm trees, wondering where the hell you are but with a big shit-eating grin on your face thinking "this is it, where im going to settle it in." I hope im at least half right, because the thought makes me smile for you.

Mark, I feel as though we are more going through the same emotions as far as starting a job in a new industry. My months are up and down and I'm dealing with some stress in being relatively new as well. It's amusing to me how much prase you get when your numbers are well and how fast things change when your going through a slow period. Funny thing is alot of it is luck. At least in payroll. You cant make someone buy what they dont yet need. I'm tring to get to that point where I dont have such high highs and such low lows. Just confidant that like you, I know Im tring my best and doing the right things and everything will work out.

Robbie, I heard about your recient back problems. Sorry to hear thats acting up on you again. I hope the job is going well.

Anyhow, just got off the phone witl Molly. Shes got a phone interview with a pharmaceutical company tommorrow for a position here in Houston. Everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. Anyhow thats all I know.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Checking in from the Sunshine State!

Hey dudes. I just finished my first week in Florida and it was great. Jacksonville is a nice city. Of course, I don’t know jack shit about getting around it so I’ve gotten lost a half dozen times already but I am slowly beginning to learn my way around. That's always a slow process.

Jacksonville is a lot more like Houston than it is San Antonio. It’s flat and the landscape is dominated by very tall pines and water oaks. However, what lets you know you’re not is Kansas (or Texas) anymore is that there are also a lot of tall palm trees everywhere. The area I’ve seen of Jacksonville reminds me a lot of NW Harris county, especially from like 10 – 15 years ago. Back when Tomball Parkway was just a 4-laner called FM-149 and there was more undeveloped land than suburbs; that’s what Jacksonville is like. The city is, as you know, on the Atlantic coast so there’s plenty of beach there (maybe I’ll eventually take a page out of your book Rob and buy a beach house) and of course the palette (now there’s a word for all your dumb mindless asses) is dominated by more hues of the green and aqua variety than brown earth tones. It’s not as screamingly loud or boisterous as Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, but it’s still got enough to it to let you know that you’re in Florida.

So I got that going for me.

Also, one thing I like about it is that it’s got a good tax base. You can tell this by looking at the civil engineering projects like freeway overpasses and such. Jacksonville looks to have a good modern freeway system like we do in Texas. Texas has great public works like that. Hell, in parts of San Antonio here, the concrete girders on overpasses are not only well-designed and modern looking, but they are actually painted. Not so in Alabama where everything looks like it was done on the cheap, which it was in that tightass tax-phobe state. A good rule of thumb I’ve learned is that if a place has good roads it’ll also have good schools. And a good business environment, too.

I had a great week, guys. I was busier than hell as soon as I got there and felt great about it. That’s why I haven’t posted that much. If you guys see me posting all the time it means I’m bored and I don’t do well with boredom. You guys all seem to think that I’ve got the self-discipline of a Prussian general and, while that’s flattering, it isn’t always true. I do not do well with boredom. Boredom leads me to do all manner of foolish crap, the least of which is fucking around and wasting time on the internet and posting to the blog all the time. Boredom is the enemy, with me at least. The good news is that over there I don't think I'll be bored.

Mark, great to hear about your job. Slow and steady does it. Eventually you’ll know your product like the back of your hand. Rob and Mikey, I hope all’s well with y’all. I’ll try to post again next week with some pictures of J’ville.

Hope you all have a nice Valentines Day and that you all do something special for my sisters in law (and – in your case Mike – my eventual sister in law). Later!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dear Brothers

What is going down? It's time for an update. James, how is Jacksonville? Rob, what's new? Did you ever finish that herbal cleanse thing? Mike, how's work and Molly?

Not much new up here. Work is going really good. I'm having to be patient with myself getting up to a certain comfort level regarding selling intelligently and adding value. Mainly it's the Rockwell Automation line, and not the 60 other products we rep. Rockwell is amazingly complex. It'll take the rest of this year just to feel comfortable and several more to be "good" (like I want to be anyway).

The cool part is that I'm not really stressing much about it. I did a lot in the beginning, but now I have a comfort and peace as long as I do my best and don't screw off (much). Sometimes you can't help stress about work and I still do sometimes. But for the most part I feel like I'm getting my arms around the bear, so to speak. I have to testify that this is an answered prayer.

Anyway, get to posting! That is all..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Beautiful Whistler

Ski 2
Originally uploaded by 3rdcoop.
Hey guys! We're back from our ski trip. It was awesome! Here are some pics.

We're trying not to be too jet-lagged but it's inevitable. It's 7:30pm in our bodies and 9:30 here.

James, I'm excited for you. I know you can't wait to get your family in one spot. Just that short time when I was going to Austin was killer to me.

Anyway, I'll post more later.

On the Mountain

Ski 1
Originally uploaded by 3rdcoop.
Check us out!

Snowmobile Riding in Whistler

Originally uploaded by 3rdcoop.
These machines are bad to the bone!! We got up to (around) 50 mph on the trails!