Friday, July 30, 2004

So what do you think, Mark?

Even by myself in a motel room, with nothing much better to do, I didn't watch a bit of the Democrat Convention. From what I've read about it, Bill Clinton's speech was a masterpiece. John Kerry's speech was merely adequate, though. "Good but not great" seems to be the verdict.

So what do you think, Mark? Are you tempted to buy what the Democrats are selling? If so, tell me why. I know you guys aren't nearly as partisan as I am (which is probably why y'all have friends and I don't) and I promise I won't come down on you with both feet if you write anything that disagrees with my views, but I just want to know why.

About the real estate license, well . . . if you want to do it, give it a shot. It's just not the kind of thing where you can be successful overnight. You know that, of course.

What's up boys?

I don't have a whole lot to post about. Still got the job search going. I'm getting a bit anxoius to get off the payroll at Centex. I'm thinking more about the possibility of getting my realtors license, what do you guys think?

Anyway, I've been watching some of the Democratic National Convention. I tell you I think Kerry stands a chance. Everyone seems to be talking about Bush's "hasty" war, the WMD controversy, and the tax cuts for the rich, etc, etc. I get the feeling that if the Bush camp doesnt step up, Kerry could win the majority of the votes.

Anyway, y'all have a good weekend.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The real reason Franccione came to A&M

Because no one can get too much of these Southern fried gals.  I can't decide what I like more, the hat, the faded tattoo or the fact that this big-boned gal can use her lugs as a cup-holder. 

Happy - belated - birthday dude!

Monday, July 26, 2004


Mikey, since I might not get to post it later, I hope you have a happy birthday tomorrow.  I think for your present I’ll post another photo of a fat-ass Alabama gal.  Now I just need to find another one . . . .   

Friday, July 23, 2004

Stop what you're doing

and follow this link. I almost peed in my pants!

Whazzup, my nizzles?

Hey Mikey.  Good to hear from you. 

I am really happy that you don't own any part of that company you work for, bro.  And as for what you're talking about, about how things seem yo be going to hell in a handbasket, dude that's just life.  All you can do is just persevere, look to things other than your career and your money to give your life meaning, and live your life.  Things will turn around.  Like that dude explained to Charlie Sheen in Platoon: "just keep your dick hard, your powder dry, and the world will turn."

Everybody have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

What would we like to drink with that shit sandwich?

What's going on guys?  I got to tell you all that I'm pretty speechless about the things going on around us.  Its just amazing how things can seemingly go to hell in a hand basket fairly quickly.  I've admittedly found myself in a bit of a daze lately due to my dealings at work.  Kind of like I've been riding high in the stock market with everything riding on Enron and.. Well need I say more?

I then think about situations like Rachel.. The fact that I have my health, my ability, education etc..  I really try to put things into perspective and look at the big picture. A Tony Robbins quote comes to mind, "Try to think about all of the things your thankful for.  From the ones closest to you to the simplest, smallest things in life.  If your thankful, your rich."

The fact occurs to me is that there are no guantrees in this life.  I'm learning a pretty good lesson here in that, sometimes you can do what you feel is right, work to your ability and things still turn sour.  Is that God's will?  I guess time can only tell.  But I can't help but have faith that if we keep plugging away things will work out.

It is easy to grin when your ship's come in, and you've got the stock market beat.. But the man worth while, is the man that can smile, when your shorts are too tight at the seat!

No, this isn't a review . . .

 . . . but I did see "Spider-Man 2" last night.  Now, I must say that I have enjoyed the Spider-Man movies, but not nearly as much as a lot of other people have.  Nevertheless, I don't want to quibble, so I'll just say that I liked it.  I liked the actor who played "Doc Ock" and I loved the guy who played Jonah Jameson.  I also like how he's played so over the top, like Sam Raimi doesn't want you to forget that this is a comic book movie.  I loved Kirsten Dunst, and I like of course like Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker.  Having the very ordinary looking Maguire play Parker (instead of the more handsome, but forgettable guy who plays his best friend - and who looks like he's straight out of "Metrosexual central casting") was smart. 

Another thing, then I'll shut up about Spider-Man.  Did anyone notice Robbie Robertson, the black guy who works with Jonah?  His face looked really familiar but I couldn't place it until the end of the movie when it came to me.  He played Radio Raheem, the boom box-carrying, loudmouthed punk in "Do The Right Thing."  He was a lot less gray, and fat, back then, but that was him. 

Hope y'all have a good day and weekend.  I'm working until the lunch bell rings then pointing it west to go home.  Damn, this traveling is getting old.  Also, even thought I'm still working out, I have let my dietary discipline go all to hell so all my clothes are getting tight on me again.  Need to work on that this weekend and next week.  I am looking forward to a nice boring weekend home alone with Erica and the girls!

Mark, thanks for the nice words.  Robbie, thank you too.  You know what for. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

What a Great Post..

Not the one with the lady from Alabama (I've seen fewer dimples in a golf ball factory!).

I'm talking about the one about Dad. I can't tell you how happy I was to read it! You're right, for Dad to do that is HUGE to say the least. Thanks for sharing it too.

I have to share a story with you guys about my day today as an ad-hoc agent of Centex. Today was the mediation date for a case against us by a couple in the sticks outside of Waco. I was in there from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm and it still didn't settle. What is comical about this is what this dang hayseed is claiming:

In the opening remarks by the counsel for the plaintiff, the facts of the case were laid out. The homeowners contracted with AES to do a mold remediation, we were subbed by them to level the grade beam, AES screwed up, we screwed up, blah blah blah. BUT, he went further: "These people are salt of the Earth. They just want to be made 'whole' again. Mr. Soandso is a small time peace loving pecan farmer and Mrs. Soandso is a sweet little school teacher." It gets better: "As a result of the stress caused to my client for this debacle, he developed a severe case of shingles. Then, the medication for the shingles caused him to go crazy and he thought people were after him. He had to spend time in a psychiatric hospital and he continues to take medications for depression. He has to take a pill every time he goes back to his house and surveys the mess" Keep in mind that this is a mold remediation job, just after remediation and before the house was put back together again. Sure its ugly, but that's the nature of mold remediation.

Long story short, to be made "whole" means 275,000.00. Incidentally, just at the cost of the new home they are making plans for, as our attorney found out. What a load of crap! We capped out at 1,500 and the other contractor capped at 15,000. They just dipped under six figures as their low number. To the courthouse we go! Dad's not going to be happy about having to shell out more money for attorney's fees.

That is all


You know, it occurs to me that the most pathetic human being out there is the shithead who, despite his comfortable middle or upper class upbringing, grows up to be a loser who blames his father for all of his own personal failings.  I’m not talking about the run-of-the-mill teenager who rebels by getting a tattoo and nosering, either; I’m talking about the ones who really mean it.  One time, I saw a hilarious photoshop on the internet of some slacker at an antiwar demonstration.  The slogan on his sign – probably something real profound like “Bush=Hitler” – was digitally replaced with “I hate my FATHER and MYSELF.”  I thought that was funny as shit because it was probably true. 
That’s why I don’t really like complaining about Dad; I don’t want to be that guy.  The problem though is I DO feel like him whenever I vent about Dad like I’ve done a few times here lately.
I mention this because Dad and I had a long conversation this morning that has left me somewhat speechless.  I won’t go into all of it, but I will say that he very nicely and humbly apologized to me.  He said he was sorry for surrounding me with (as he puts it) “losers and thieves” in San Antonio.  He also said that he regrets not having listened to me on those occasions when I tried to tell him about the problems in San Antonio.  He admitted that he simply didn’t want to hear what I had to say and found it easier to dismiss me rather than listen. 
Wow.  If there is one man in the world who hates the taste of crow, it’s our father.  For him to have done that must have like eating a big one too, feathers and all. 
I thanked him, accepted his apology and told him that he and I were okay.  I told him that I hold no grudges because the way I saw it, even if he had surrounded me with the whole Centex “A-Team” it wouldn’t have made any difference.  People in San Antonio just weren’t – and still aren’t – buying.  And as for the “losers and thieves,” I told him that I was blameworthy too as I hired a lot of them.  I thought Ben, Michael and Bill were the greatest things since sliced bread when I hired them and they all proved to be shitheads in the end. 
So I told Dad that I was chalking the whole thing up to experience.  We all went into this thing with the best of intentions, but we’re all grownups, too.  I thought I’d be successful working for him.  Hell, I expected to be successful.  But I know there are no guarantees in life. 
This is the last word I will have to say about this.  I am through bitching about it.  The simple truth is this: I gave it my best shot for Dad but, in the end, I just couldn’t crack the nut.  But even though I’m not happy about failing, I’m not ashamed of myself - nor am I angry at Dad - anymore.  

"Cheeking in" from Alabama

A friend (who's an Auburn fan) emailed this to me this morning.  Gawd-damn! who says there aren't any good-lookin women around these parts?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Just for shits and grins . . .

"Solipsism" is a lovely word, is it not?  Unfortunately, it's also a bit unwieldy so I don't get the chance to pull it out of its scabbard and swing it around too much.  The reason I wrote that about Dylan McDermott is because his character on the practice, Bobby Donnell, would only ever talk about himself.  I even suggested to Erica once that we play a drinking game where either of us would take a sip of beer or margarita every time McDermott clenched his fist, lowered his voice to a faux-sincere whisper, and use the pronoun"I." 
They win a big, high dollar case: Bobby looks into his fiancee's eyes (I don't remember her name on the show and I don't give enough of a shit to Google it) and talks about how much this affects him.
Bobby finds out that he and his wife are going to have a baby: He looks soulfully into her eyes and splutters out a mess of sentences that use that pronoun 17 times or so. 
A madman breaks in, shoots up the entire office, and castrates the men in the firm.  He then smears himself in their blood and excrement, does a war dance on the conference table then throws himself out a window:  Bobby . . . well, you know. 
Actually, that last bit didn't really happen, but back in the late 90's I kept wishing it would.  Anyway, I cannot believe that I just burned time out of my workday to write about a bad TV actor.  Oh well. 
Mark, good luck with the job search.  It'll all work out. 
By the way, I'm bored with this format so I think I'll look at some other templates for the blog.

When I grow up..

W'sup dudes. James, WOULDJA SHUUDUPP!?! I'll be sitting in front of my computer a lot until l get the ball rolling further on my job search, so please post-away. Mike, don't be intimidated by words like "solipsisms". Just do like I do and open up before you come to coopbros!

I'm not sure what is more difficult: finding a job, or picking out exactly what I want to do. I kind of wish I had been thinking about this for a while but oh well. Saying you want to do "sales" is so wide open.

Mike, my email is

Tuesday first-cup-of-coffee thoughts

Good morning, fellas. 
Tell me, why is I that I can only read one of Rob’s posts a week and maybe two from Mark.  Mikey, I count myself fortunate if I get to read your thoughts twice a month.  But should I fail to post something every day . . . well, you little punk asses start squawking at me like a bunch of crows.  Well fuck that!  No more, I say!  From now on, I’m playing for me!  Ya hear me, dudes?  From now on, I’m looking out for numero uno.  Well, after I do this one, anyway. 
So did anyone see “The Grid” last night?  I did and thought it was pretty cool.  It’s going to be a “limited run” drama (why don’t they just call it a miniseries?) and it stars Dylan McDermott and Julianna Margulies as a couple of U.S. counterterrorism agents.  I’m not really fans of either of these two, having wearied of on McDermott’s solipcisms after the second season of “The Practice,” but they’re in a good drama and they’re well supported by other, more accomplished actors like Tom Skerrit (who plays a CIA bigwig with the awesome name of Acton Sandman) and a host of British actors who play our guys’ MI-5 and MI-6 counterparts.  The Brits are vastly superior to our guys (the actors, I mean) so, between them, Skerrit and a host of really clever screenwriters, it looks like it’s going to be some pretty cool TV.  Check it out if you can.  

Monday, July 19, 2004

Greetings and salutations from Lower Alabama!

Hi guys.  Great seeing you all this weekend.  Like I said, we would have stayed longer but I was running a bit of fever and that goddamned Austin heat was not helping me. 
Another thing.  I want y'all's opinion; is it just me, or is the fun kind of going out of these mega-parties of ours?  Did it get any better when the action moved to the Hayes' house? 
Well, after we got back home from the party on Saturday, Erica and I watched The Butterfly Effect.  I liked it.  I liked it because it’s built around a concept that I am a big believer in, the law of unintended consequences.  And though the ending was a bit of stretch, even for a movie about a kid who can time-travel, it was still neat in that the ending balanced the scales.  Thankfully, there was no focus-grouped Hollywood ending with Ashton Kutcher and his girlfriend cheating fate and living happily ever after.  It's an unhappy but immutable fact that you can guarantee your actions, but you can’t ever guarantee results. 
Guys, I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately, but I just can’t seem to get motivated to write.  Before going to the airport, I put down over 500 words yesterday talking about conservativism and postmodernism (in a very long windup to review TBE) and emailed them to my computer here in Mobile to polish and post this morning.  However, after I read it this morning, it sounded like crap so I deleted it.  Hell, I think this is crap too but I’m going to post it anyway just because, well, because somebody has to post something. 
This thing with Dad has me a bit conflicted, to be honest.  Mark knows this, but to put it out there to Rob and Mike, working for dad was like working for Vince Lombardi.  Without the Super Bowls, though.  He had me under so much stress that I would literally sometimes break down and cry at random moments.  And it is no exaggeration to say that I absolutely hated his guts at times, too.  The way he would do things like compare me unfavorably to Warren Hayes or slyly insinuate that I wasn’t doing a good job because I couldn’t earn the respect of shitheads like Dario and Sandy (both of whom are now gone, by the way) angered and hurt me.  It still pisses me off that he assumed that our lack of sales success in San Antonio was due to my lack of effort and initiative rather than, as I claimed, an exhausted market in that city.  I think you’re right Robbie in saying that Dad fell too much in love with the idea of himself lording over a 20 million dollar company.  So, instead of coming to my office and seeing with his own eyes what was going on, he would just sit there on his throne in Austin and bark orders to me on the fucking Nextel, assuming that putting enough pressure on me would right the ship.  He wanted to be a bigshot, to be a Donald Trump, so he began to act like one, going on these silly skiing and diving jaunts all the time, even foolishly crippling himself on one, all the while ignoring his core business. 
In that sense, what Dad is going through now is just.  Like Robbie said, he ignored some very fundamental tenets of business to indulge his ego and this is the result of that.  Still, even though I can see the justice in all of this, I take absolutely no pleasure in it because he’s our father.  Whatever he has, he offers to us.  He has always shared his wealth freely with us without conditions (he didn’t force me to come work for him) and he would give any of us the shirt off his back and take a bullet in the chest for any of us.  So even though I sense that what has befallen him and Centex is just, I’m not going to gloat about it.  
Well, I just reread this and I’m about as happy with it as I have been the other things I’ve deleted lately, but I’m going to post it anyway.  Hope everyone has a good day and week.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get away and catch Spider-Man II this week.  If so, I’ll write about it.
Till then, Coopbro I is out!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

One thing's for sure..

I'll be doing my own thing up here. I have to tell you, from the outside looking in, your post (though embroidered a bit) was pretty insightful. He derived a LOT of satisfaction from the stature of the company (and the company was/is an extension of himself).

I talk to him a lot about this and it sounds like he is going to get back into the nuts and bolts of managing Austin and Waco. Other markets may never happen, and perhaps they should not. I was committed to make DFW happen. Now that it is gone, I'm making a career change. I know y'all know this but I actually think my experience here was not a waste. I had my metal tested pretty good a number of times. I just can't wait to get another job, ramp up, make some money, and get back to the routine of life. By the way, I appreciate all of your encouragement and confidence in me.

One last thing, and I'm sure James will agree, it is going to be nice to have just a Father-Son relationship with Dad again (and no more "NexT-hell"!).

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

My two cents on ths mess!

The fall of Centex is like a Greek tragedy. Dad's fatal flaw has always been his ego. In his quest to run a multi-location, 10+ Million dollar business, he forgot the basic rule of business. That is if you spend more than you make, yo ass is not going to be in business for long.

This is why we all rolled our eyes at every new commercial that he made featuring himself. Because we knew that the purpose of the ad was not to sell foundation repair, it was for Ben to get on television. The reason that he signed up to be a speaker at the different breakfast events was not to sell foundation repair, but to have a platform to hear himself speak and stroke his ego.

I hope that he can correct this problem, however I fear that this one goes all the way down to the (pardon the pun) foundation of his character. It would be nice if he could get the same satisfaction from running a disciplined, profitable, smaller company.

There is no doubt that Dad's ego is severely bruised right now. Mike is right in that I think that after a brief struggle to grasp the full reality of the situation, that Dad now knows what he has to do and is in the right frame of mind to get it done. My concern is that as soon as business picks back up a little, that it will be right back to business as usual. I hope that I am proved wrong.

Monday, July 12, 2004


Hey guys. Sorry for the light posting but I’ve been really busy at work lately. To bring you up to date, one of our problem accounts told Tom to either put me on the account full time or lose their business. Thus, I’m coming here every week now, Monday thru Thursday. All the traveling sucks but having a 3-day weekend makes up for it a little.

About Centex. Jeez, what to say? First of all, Mark, to echo Rob and Mike, you are about the most marketable guy I know. I know it’s bewildering and a bit frightening what you’re going through now, but have no worries that you’d be long unemployed if you tried to find another job. You’d be snapped up quicker than a snow cone on a hot July day.

I of course know about the purge that happened at Centex too. I’m gladdened that Dad’s ruthless enough to cut as much as he has been thus far, too. He has to be to save the company. He has got to find profitability again and the only way to do that is to radically cut his costs. Dad’s been sort of willfully blind about some things (and some people) and as a result, a lot of rot set in. And the only way to keep that rot from killing the company is to cut it all out. That’s why, even though I hurt for a lot of the good people who are getting pinched in this downsizing, I won’t shed any tears for Dario. Far as I’m concerned, that shithead was the source of infection.

I think Dad can pull Centex out of this tailspin, though I suspect it's going to emerge quite changed. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, either.

Guys, there’s more I want to say about this but I just don’t have the time right now. Mark, hang in there. Robbie, thanks for having Courtney yesterday and for the birthday message. Mikey, that was a beautiful post about Dad. See y’all this weekend.


Mark just hang in there.. I know the uncertain feeling well also. I'm sure the pressure is greater having a wife and baby but you, if anyone, are very marketable and should have no problems finding something.

I spoke with Dad for a while at Robbies this past weekend. Like you said Mark, I didn't really see much stress on him. Interestingly enough, He seemed really warm and happy. I think a lot of that is attributed to Susan. Numerous times he did comment on his love for her and how much he appreciates her being a stabilizing rock for him. One difference I've noticed, and it maybe just me, is he seems to be a much better listener. I can remember all too often conversations with Dad and it seeming so one sided. Much like, I'm going to talk and your going to shut up and listen because I'm wise blah blah. Now conversations seem much more engaging. For instance, him asking probing questions and looking at me as if he's interested and not so eager to talk.

Leaving Robbies I really got a good feeling from being with Dad. Not that "thank God that's over with." I'm really looking forward to going and spending time there this weekend. I don't at all have that apprehensive feeling going into this weekend.

See you guys there!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Strange Turn of Events

I guess we can finally post about this, now that the cat is out of the bag. What an incredible couple of days this has been. I feel like I have just witnessed a train wreck from twenty feet away. Just watching Dad lay everyone off in a meeting like that, and seeing the look on people's faces (including Dad's) was no doubt one of the hardest things I have ever endured.

Dad, as you know, has suffered severely from all this. He will bounce back financially, and has already begun to personally, but the magnitude of this whole thing has just been staggering. He is not out of the woods yet, but the worst is behind him now. I think he'll be breathing new air by next weekend, and really so will I.

I can't say I know what is in store for me yet, but I know I'll be allright. I'm feeling a lot of things you don't get to all the time: nervousness, exitement, uncertainty, and most importantly faith.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Wierd.. I happened to have watched Butterfly Effect last night too Robbie.. I did however feel that the movie had a funny turn when he came back as a paraplegic.. You just see the frustration in his face because everytime he tries to fix something, his life is more fucked up than before. I normally would give this one 3 out of 5 beers but it gets an extra beer for showing some boobs. 4 outta 5

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The Butterfly Effect.

Just rented this one last night. Very cool movie. Ashton Kutcher plays this guy who suffers black outs from the age of 7 to 14. Come to find out that the reason is that some serious fucked up shit has occured in his past. His mom takes him to a doctor who advises him to start keeping a journal. Flash foreward 13 years. He finds out that by reading his old journals, that he is able to go back in time and relive certain episodes in his life. This is all fine and good until he flashes back to the present and realizes that changing how he reacted in a certain situation in the past has caused a major shift in his destiny and he is now a totally differnet person in his new present.

It kind of sounds like a full feature movie of "The Twilight Zone", which wouldn't be all that bad. Kutched is suprisingly good in his first non comediec role. I give it 4 out of 5 beers.

Monday, July 05, 2004

SpiderMan II

Have any of you seen this yet? We saw it last Wednesday. It won't dissapoint. I thought it was going to be a rehash of the first one, but it wasn't. It was everything a comic book movie is supposed to be. I love the fact that it didn't take itself too seriously (like X-Men and Hulk). There were a lot of funny parts in this movie, like when Spidey's web is acting up, so he is forced to take the elevator and make small talk with another rider (I won't spoil it). And Simmons (the editor) adds his brand of humor to the mix.

Doc Ock was a cool villian, too. Basically if you go see this movie and you let your inner pre-teen out, you will find yourself clenching your fists and shouting "YEAH". I didn't even mind that I had a Chris Tucker wannabe sitting behind me going " GIT DAT MAAF*&!! WHOOP...HIS....ASS!!" during the fight scenes!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

When James...When

When is it going to be enough? When you can bench press a HOUSE?

BTW, it was THIS slack jawed retard that came up with the slogan! I would have expected you above all to have gotten it. It is a quote from Mel Brook's History of the World, Part 1 when he is standing in the "vnemployment" line, explaining to the lady what a stand-up philosopher was. The next line is her going "Oh, a bullshit artist!" C'mon man!

Workout status

Well, I think it's time to give you all what you've been wondering about lo these past few months. Something that you've all been blessedly too polite to just come out and directly ask me, but something that all the same I know has been preoccupying your thoughts. Oh yes, I'm talking about . . . my bench press.

Well this morning I decided to go for a single on the bench. I haven't even tried to do a barbell bench since back earlier in the Spring when my shoulder was hurting so badly that I couldn't even barely hold more than 200-lbs on the bar, much less lift it.

My first was a warmup of 225-lbs., which I put up 4 times without even feeling it. I could have done that 15 times. Next was 275-lbs. I singled it easily. I even brough it to a clean stop one inch above my chest and put it back up again, smooth as silk. After that was 315. I found a spotter and popped it clean, no problem. After that, I tried to put up my all-time max of 365-lbs. I brought it down cleanly but it stuck about four inches off my chest where my spotter had to grab it. Shit.

Though I certainly didn't expect to get it today, I WILL eventually get to my all-time goal of 405-lbs.

And which one of you slack-jawed retards put that new slogan up? "Coalesce the vapors . . . ? What the fuck?

Friday, July 02, 2004

Courtney's blog

Courtney saw me putting in a comment last night and asked me to set up a weblog for her. It's at

About those TPS reports, Rob . . .

You sent your last one with a wrong cover sheet. We're now using new cover sheets. Didn't you get that memo? I'll see to it that you get another memo.

And tell Christian happy birthday from us. Hope y'all have a fun and safe 4th.

Tell Christian Happy Birthday

from the Fam and I, wouldja? I'm going to call him later. Are y'all doing anything for his B-Day tonight?

Also, are y'all going to be at the Austin gathering (I think on the 17th)?

So this is what you three buttholes do when I'm away.

Mark. Letting my little neice get a fever. tsk tsk. Very poor fathering indeed.

Mike. Naming your stool? After Mark? Actually that's funny as hell.

Any James. Well, I can't think of anything critical to say about you right now, so carry on.

This week went by very quickly. I was out of the office Tue - Thurs. at customer sites. That always makes for a better week that working on TPS reports.

That's all from me right now.

I'm Rob Cooper Bitch!

Thursday, July 01, 2004


is actually a lot better in terms of her prognosis. I haven't heard anything more recently than my last post about this (after Mike posted about Chad). She is still going through Chemo in Houston and will be for the next 12 months.

The doctors think they can kick this thing after that, which falls into the category of being pretty dang good!

I'm fighting fatigue right now. Lillian got up with a fever and dried snot all on her face this morning at about 4:30. She started day care this week and I think she got it from one of the other snot-nosed little beggars in there! The timing of it was bad because today is Natalie's first day back at the office. Anyway, we gave Lillian tylenol and that made her fever break, so we took her to daycare. Thankfully Natalie has tomorrow off and we have no plans for this weekend.

Howabout you dudes? any plans?

Hey Mark

What's the latest with Rachel? Is she still at home?

I resent that..

and I hope "Mark" clogged your drain!